Other Category includes rare mineral types (e.g. Potassium Magnesium Pyrophosphate, Xanthine) and miscellaneous material (e.g. solidified blood, osseous, drug metabolites)
특수 증상
Information for less common mineral types can be found on our website.
Follow general urolith prevention recommendations such as feeding a canned diet or encouraging increased water consumption with the goal of promoting less concentrated urine.
Periodic radiographs are recommended to detect small uroliths that may be removed by non-surgical methods.
처방식 제조사의 안내문을 검토해 적응증과 금기사항을 숙지하십시오. 다양한 질환을 동시에 겪고 있는 환자의 경우에는 환자의 건강에 필요한 모든 사항을 고려해 사료를 선택하십시오