Other Category includes less common urolith types (e.g. Calcium Phosphate, Silica, Cystine) and miscellaneous material (e.g. solidified blood, osseous).
Information for less common mineral types can be found on our website.
Follow general urolith prevention recommendations such as feeding a canned diet or encouraging increased water consumption with the goal of promoting less concentrated urine.
Periodic radiographs are recommended to detect small uroliths that may be removed by non-surgical methods.
Nous vous conseillons de consulter la documentation du fabricant concernant certains aliments thérapeutiques afin d'en déterminer les indications et les contre-indications. Pour les animaux présentant des problèmes de santé multiples, nous suggérons que le choix de l'aliment prenne en compte tous les besoins de l'animal en matière de santé.