Canine Multiple Minerals


These stones often have different radiographic layers representing different minerals.

General Information

Uroliths with a center composed of a different material than the outer layer(s) are called compound. Compound uroliths commonly occur when metabolic uroliths (e.g. calcium oxalate, urate) contribute to urinary tract infections with bacteria that promote struvite formation, or when suture material or other intraurocystic foreign material promotes mineralization over its surface, or when treatment/diet administered prior to urolith removal alter urine pH or crystal solubility.


• Identify causes for the most abundant mineral near the center - see recommendations for specific mineral types at


• If present, prevent infection-induced struvite and calcium phosphate carbonate by repeating urine cultures and administering antibiotics when needed. • Next, select therapy to prevent the most abundant mineral near the center - see recommendations for specific mineral types at • Then, make adjustments in therapy to prevent the other minerals without opposing therapy to prevent the most abundant mineral near the center (e.g. feed therapeutic canned foods or add water to achieve a specific gravity <1.020 for dogs, adjust urine pH, and consider medications that reduce minerals).


• Foods designed to minimize the abundant mineral at the center of the urolith can be found at • Prevent infection-induced struvite or calcium phosphate carbonate by controlling infection; not with food


Follow monitoring strategies to minimize the material at the center of urolith(s). Medical imaging every 6 to 12 months to detect recurrent stones when small to permit their easy removal without surgery.


We advise reviewing manufacturer's literature regarding selected therapeutic foods to determine indications and contraindications. For pets with multiple health concerns,we suggest that the selection of diet should take into consideration all health needs of the pet.

Link to Full Recommendation PDF

Canine Multiple Minerals